Saturday, July 08, 2006

24 (Day 5: 2.00pm to 3.00pm)

Not one of the better episodes but it still had its moments. I love the “Nine Inch Nails”-style action soundtrack – it makes the tense scenarios really power. The music is classy. I sometimes feel like dancing to it.

In this one the terrorists tried to nerve-gas a mall. Jack looked stupid in his gas-mask. They overdo his hero status sometimes. I wanted him to stop off at the food hall and at least grab a sandwich.

Most painful quote: Martha: Walt...loved this country.

1 comment:

Ginger said...

I didn't think 24 was that good. Mum said it used to be better before, as in the first sesson. She just stop watching it when Jack's daughter started working at the agency with him ... What the...