Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sitting staring into space

Ever since my company updated the software I work on I have been doing a lot of the above. This is because this software takes so bloody long to do the most basic things. It can take over an hour simply to open up some (very large) files. And while it is doing this it can’t do anything else – I, therefore, can’t do anything else. This is very blog-friendly software because you get to the point where, in order not to go insane, you might as well just write a post – like this one. This is a post designed to fill in time by writing about writing posts designed to fill in time – if that makes any sense at all. God – I’ve still got 45 minutes before this file checks in…. Maybe they should supply magazines, games, or other diversions with this program. It’s the doctor’s waiting room of programs, the bus stop, the line at the post office, the….

Why do companies spend millions of dollars to go backwards – and how do I get in on the game of selling crap to them???


Jules said...

It's all politics ! Big guns with little / no brains, trying to claim credit for their bright ideas - probably are MBA holders. Who wins in the end ?

blackwell said...

Sounds as though you are having a terrible difficulty with your lifestyle at work! Try to calm down, relax and enjoy your shoes.