This movie was part of the "Mu-Meson" season at the Chauvel Cinema (ie it stems from the movie collection of Jay Katz and Miss Death, who were there to introduce it – catch them on FBI Radio every Saturday morning on "The Naked City" – Jay Katz (otherwise known as Jaimie Leonarder) also used to be the main guy on SBS’s now defunct "The Movie Show" and is organiser of the Sydney band The Mu-Mesons).
Phew – anyway – Equinox was made in the late sixties on zero budget, with zero acting – but wow – is it fun! Monsters from hell chase teenagers around a generic camping ground, possessed teen girls run amok and Satan himself (with bat wings) even gets in on the act. With money this could have been a spectacle (and a much worse movie). As it is, you have to just love it.
Equinox is famed for having inspired Sam Raimi to make Evil Dead. As well, a bunch of later-to-be famous industry hacks got a start on this one – including effects guy Dennis Muren, who worked on the orignial Star Wars and has since won 9 Oscars. Finally, of note, the film casts 70s award winning sword and sorcery author Fritz Leiber as “the Professor”. Paperback buffs rejoice.
Equinox is available on DVD. Don't miss out!
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