Sunday, July 09, 2006

RPG Hell (Phantom Brave)

Tired of non-stop driving and shooting on the Playstation2? Try getting a life. Or otherwise try a Japanese strategy role playing game. You need either a PHD or a year of spare time to get through them. They look like old-school 80’s Nintendo – just to make you think it’ll be easy. Good advice is to just play them ocasionally. Not all at once. Unless you like hiding.

Current Involvement: Phantom Brave
Current play time: 2.11.11 (level 5)
Estimated completion date: never

1 comment:

Brian P. Stone said...

I clobbered this game... I finished all the hidden battles, but didn't bother getting all the hidden items. I'd have to load up my file to check, but I think it took me like 160 hours (not counting the one file I started, put 70 hours into, then erased and started over)