Thursday, August 03, 2006

Big guys with small gadgets

In the world of tech – small is the new big. The smaller your gadget, the better, it seems. So in the office these days I am noticing big guys who obviously want to be “cool”, talking into mobile phones so small it looks like they are talking into their hands, squinting desperately at tiny laptop computers with unusable keyboards, and awkwardly stabbing with oversized fingers the controls of iPod Nanos. They look like immigrants from the land of the giants. They look like gorillas trying to thread needles. Then there’s trendy small cars (owned by their wives, girlfriends and mums) for them to contend with. Not to mention plugging in tiny USB things like flash drives. So if you have trouble fitting into your clothes, spare a thought for today’s big-boned executive. They can hardly push a button.


Jules said...

I received a digital camera for this year's birthday present, it's a Pentax T10. Probably the slimest in the market at the moment, and slightly bigger than the regular credit card size. It's very small - it has small buttons. And it feels fragile. But, there are a lot of functions packed into this tiny device - and I have a great deal of respect for it. And I have two guinea pigs. I've chosen guinea pigs because they are small. Though I'm not so sure now for they appear to have grown bigger, bigger than the size of a kitten. I wonder if I should shrink wrap them to stunt their growth, or exchange them for tiny rodents. But nay, I still love my guinea pigs, though they look monstrous.

Julie said...

Jules, who are you? I'm starting to think you really ARE a little floppy puppy.