Thursday, August 31, 2006

Going to Malaysia

Globalisation is in my life again – first it was because a lot of friends were made redundant from my workplace, leaving a lot of empty desks - now it's because of a trip to Malaysia to visit the center where the jobs were outsourced to.

Am I a hypocrite to go on this corporate expedition, cooperating in the very operation that is behind the event I have hated and condemned for the last year?

Well shit – of course I am! There’s no way to excuse it really – it’s all in the realm of one’s “job”, of course – doing what the company offers you – taking what you can (a trip, money) despite your ideals. Thinking, well, I gotta pay the rent. Tyrannafoe said she thought it was a bit weird. It is. The only "positive" is that, being someone who enjoys people, I will probably enjoy meeting the Malaysian workforce (actually Malaysian, Chinese and Indian) and helping them if I can (that is the purpose of this visit after all). Also it will give me something to post about I guess.

1 comment:

Lien said...

It's a free trip!! The Company (observe use of Cap C), wants you to come back and tell everyone how fantastic the new set up is. You are just their PR machine. Go and spend big!! Raid the mini bar.