I came across this website while surfing the net during the boring bits of "Lost – the Reckoning". Yep – another exciting night.
There are guides for all series, so you can catch up on anything you may have missed while out trawling the streets for sex or whatever (god forbid). Better, you can download them. There are forums where you can discuss programs, down to individual episodes, with fellow enthusiasts. You can even read people’s blogs – and write your own – all devoted, I guess, to the box. In other words there’s no limit to the amount of time and industry you can expel in promoting, pondering, commenting on and reviewing your favourite shows.
Ps - yes "Passions" fans (you know who you are) there's Passions stuff - check out the latest episode: "Sheridan watches in horror as Alistair unleashes bloodthirsty lions on Fancy and Luis". Gosh.
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